
Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester|cas 54706-70-6

Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester|cas 54706-70-6

Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester is a natural compound.

Product Name: Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester|Cat No: DC9648|Cas: 54706-70-6|Molecule Formular: C32H50O7|Molecule Weight: 546.74|Other names: Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester

For the detailed information of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester, the solubility of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester in water, the solubility of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester in DMSO, the solubility of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester in PBS buffer, the animal experiment(test) (test) of  Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester, the cell expriment (test) of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester, the in vivo, in vitro and clinical trial test of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester, the EC50, IC50,and Affinity of Dodecanoic acid ingenol ester,, please contact DC Chemicals.

For research only, not for human use.

