
CB 5083,CB5083|cas 1542705-92-9|DC Chemicals

CB 5083,CB5083|cas 1542705-92-9|DC Chemicals

CB-5083 is a novel first in class, potent orally bio-available p97 inhibitor that disrupts cellular protein homeostasis and demonstrates anti-tumor activity in solid and hematological models .

Product Name: CB-5083|Cat No.:DC8840|CAS: 1542705-92-9|Other names: CB 5083,CB5083|MW: 413.4|C24H23N5O2 

CB-5083 is a novel first in class, potent orally bio-available p97 inhibitor that disrupts cellular protein homeostasis and demonstrates anti-tumor activity in solid and hematological models . CB-5083 causes rapid and sustained accumulation of poly-ubiquitin in tumor xenografts after a single administration. CB-5083 showed activity to inhibit tumor growth in multiple rodent models of human cancer. Furthermore, CB-5083 appears to exhibit greater potency over current proteasome inhibitors that further validate targeting p97 and protein homeostasis in the treatment of cancer.

For research only, not for human use!

